She is using makeup and hair styling to impersonate an African-American. We used to call that blackface, and it used to be considered an insult to persons of color.
But to me the really odd thing is that the NAACP and the black community seem to be supporting this fraud. Actually, come to think of it, they support frauds like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Louis Farrakhan, Sr. and Barack Obama, so why wouldn't they embrace this confused if not crazy white chick?
(By the way, it was her adopted black brother who drew the blackface comparison.)
Also of interest is that Rachel Dolezal hated the movie “The Help” because it involved a “white woman making millions off a Black woman’s story,” as she put it. Rachel was probably envious that another whitey was getting in on her gig.
I'm Nathan Natas, and from now until I decide otherwise, I'm black.
Peace, y'all!